



365英国上市官网 Sustainability Tour

365英国上市官网 Sustainability Tour


    Southern Environmental Center

    Southern Environmental Center

    There's even a giant toilet slide that propels visitors to the deep end of the old poolThe only facility of its kind in the U.S., SEC is toured by 20,000 visitors annually, and serves as a foundation for 365英国上市官网's Urban Environmental Studies program. 在365英国上市官网艺术部的帮助下设计的展品侧重于个人改善空气和水质量的方法, and reduce solid waste. There's even a giant toilet slide that propels visitors to the deep end of the old pool. TIM has been recognized nationally for its innovative approach to environmental education, and was recently featured on PBS's Dragonfly science education series.

    Visit the Southern Environmental Center's Website.


    Library White Roof



    Sometimes simple strategies can be very effective. Remember in grade school when we learned how white surfaces reflect light and stay cool, while black surfaces absorb light and trap heat? Not until recently did engineers apply this concept to building roofs. 为我们的建筑降温是非常耗能的,尤其是在阿拉巴马州漫长的夏季. Yet, 大多数大型建筑的屋顶都是用沥青和鹅卵石的混合物密封的,这种混合物可以吸收和储存热量. In 2011 when the 365英国上市官网 library needed a new roof, we installed a "white roof" instead. Now, instead of absorbing the heat from the sun, we reflect it back into space. It's impossible to see from below, but it glows brightly when viewed with GoogleEarth. This has not only reduced our energy use in the building by up to 20%, but we contribute less to the urban heat island effect that plagues cities in the Sunbelt. What's more, the new roof cost 42% less than a conventional roof!



    Greening of the Student Parking Lot

    (Pervious Pavement)


    On-which-side-will-water-run-off-into-local-streamStormwater runoff from parking lots, roads, and roofs pollutes natural wetlands. 2009年,棒球场和足球场之间的学生停车场进行了重新配置, several features were added to capture stormwater, filter pollutants, and allow rainfall to percolate into the groundwater. 斯特普林棒球场左外野围栏后面的生物沼泽现在收集了一些雨水, while a gravel French drain captures runoff in a different area. 绿地以新的中路和分隔物的形式增加,也提高了停车场的安全性. Most notably, pervious pavement was used in a portion of a new parking area. 这种路面复制了传统沥青路面的功能特征,但允许雨水渗透到土壤中. Collectively, this remodeling of the parking lot has helped reduce the College's stormwater footprint, which helps reduce erosion, flooding, and pollution of local creeks and rivers, and helps replenish groundwater. In this case, the benefits slip through the cracks.



    LEED Certified Residence Halls

    LEED Certified Residence Halls


    In fall 2010, 365英国上市官网 opened the first LEED certified residence halls in Alabama. 湖景北部和南部宿舍楼总面积为65290平方英尺,可容纳167名学生. The project earned LEED certification for use of regional, recycled, low-VOC, and formaldehyde-free materials in and outside the buildings. 建筑沿着东西轴线朝向,以最大限度地减少太阳热量的吸收和最大限度地提高冷却效率. 可变制冷剂体积(VRV) HVAC系统具有变速室外风机机组,以及逐层智能制冷剂借用,以创建高效系统. More than 90% of occupied spaces have over a 2% glazing factor and 99% have access to views. The site includes a 15,000加仑的蓄水池,收集一半屋顶面积的雨水,用于景观灌溉, saving 50,000 gallons of water per year. Water and energy conservation measures include dual-flush toilets, low-flow faucets and showers, compact fluorescent lights, and occupancy sensors in public areas.



    Urban Environmental Park


    The Urban Environmental Park on campus was dedicated in November of 2009. The park, including a 1.5 acre lake, 已经被添加到伯明翰南方大学树木繁茂的校园的自然环境中,包括一个圆形剧场, walkways, a fountain, and rain gardens for storm water management. 它位于校园的西端,位于宿舍楼和校内场地之间(在以前的老兄弟会场地上)。,Lake-fountain

    The Urban Environmental Park’s key sustainable elements include:

    • 在雨水离开校园之前,通过将雨水从停车场输送到一系列雨水花园的系统来清洁雨水, to the lake spillway and then to an existing low area that acts as a vernal pond.
    • The vernal pond was preserved and enhanced by the addition of water loving plants, all in an effort to naturally recharge storm water runoff.
    • 湖泊边缘的设计通过使用本地和归化的植物材料来鼓励理想的野生动物.
    • 来自上游流域的雨水通过一系列净化措施,过滤附近停车场和屋顶的杂质. These measures include rain gardens to filter impurities, 一个曝气的上层池塘,然后在雨水离开场地之前最终过渡到河岸走廊和湿地.
    • Native plants or adaptive native plants in the landscape.
    • Stone materials native to the region from northern Alabama and Tennessee.
    • Lighting selected to meet dark skies criteria thereby not adding to light pollution. All lighting is pedestrian in scale and directed downward to reduce any light pollution. 灯光尽可能地放置在树上(向下引导),以增强效果并减少整个公园中看到的杆子数量.

    UES-students-at-lake-side该公园因其低影响设计(LID)的特点而获得了卡哈巴河协会颁发的保护发展奖. 该公园获奖的亮点包括在三个雨水花园中收集径流水,其中一些被过滤并重新使用以填充公园池塘, 保留一个现有的天然湿地,作为第三个雨水渗入地点,以处理池塘溢水, using native plants to further filter water in the pond, 保护树木,尽量减少树木的砍伐,以保护现有的校园森林. 该公园还被选为可持续遗址倡议™(Sites™)的150个试点项目地点之一。, which is an interdisciplinary effort by the American Society of Landscape Architects, 德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的伯德·约翰逊夫人野花中心和美国植物园,为可持续土地设计制定自愿的国家指导方针和性能基准, construction and maintenance practices.



    Rain Gardens



    One of the greatest environmental impacts of an urban area is its influence on streams. In the urban landscape, 吸收雨水并将其缓慢释放到溪流中的森林被停车场所取代, roofs, and streets. 这些不透水的表面将水引入“雨水”通道系统,该系统将雨水迅速输送到当地的溪流中. 洪水淹没了溪流,破坏了水生野生动物和植物的栖息地. One solution to this is the rain garden. 365英国上市官网的雨花园位于联合卫理公会北阿拉巴马会议中心附近. 雨水从中心及其停车场流入几个洼地,洼地内衬多孔土壤. Here, stormwater seeps down into the groundwater below, while sediments and other pollutants carried by the stormwater remain in the garden. 多余的雨水流入城市环境公园的湖泊,然后汇入附近的溪谷. Our rain gardens reduce our "stormwater footprint" in the urban landscape, and supplies nearby trees with water year-round. 更重要的是,雨花园两旁种植着引人注目的本地植物,以吸引野生动物. It's another win-win.



    Invasive Species Removal in the Ecoscape Forest




    365英国上市官网生态景观森林包括一个8英亩的成熟橡树-山核桃-松林的残余-一个现在在城市环境中罕见的栖息地. The preserve is a five-minute walk from the dorms and contains trees over 150 years old. 鸟类学课程记录了森林里100多种鸟类,包括库珀鹰, yellow-crowned night herons, barred owls, and wild turkeys. Bobcats, foxes, and coyotes also frequent the woods. Unfortunately, several species of non-native invasive plants have established a foothold in the forest. Teams of student volunteers have been removing Chinese privet, English ivy, and other nuisance plants to help protect the forest, while science classes monitor the successful return of native plants in restored areas.




    365英国上市官网 Community Garden




    花园由学生创建,建在学生公寓旁边的阳光斜坡上. 除了学生的菜地,招生办公室还维护着一个菜园. Harvested produce goes to student kitchens with overflow accepted by the 365英国上市官网 café. 适合喜欢园艺或从未种植和收获过自己作物的学生和365英国上市官网邻居, the garden is a joy and a great stress reducer. In 2008 the 365英国上市官网 Garden Club, led by Ben Tracy from Atlanta, 是与开设新的城市环境研究专业同时举办和推出的吗. Tracy, who was an Urban Environmental Studies major, 完成了亚特兰大城市园艺项目的暑期实习,在那里他获得了有机种植的技能和经验
